Meenakari painted items

For supplementing the interior with decorating items, Meenakari Painted Items are ideal products. Depict the ancient cultures and demand high degree of skills in meenakari work, these items are hand crafted by traditional painters or artists who are known as 'meenakar'. Meenakari is an intricate and laborious process that creates the perfect combination of color with the help of thin needles or spokes in the engraved pattern or over the surfaces. For permanently applying the colors over the surfaces, the items are first hand-painted and then heated in the furnace melts so that the colors spread uniformly into the grooves. Miscellaneous range of Meenakari Painted Items includes numerous kinds of utility boxes, tumblers, show pieces, artifacts and decorative items. Each and every item is a work of art and several of them offers utilitarian benefits too. These painted items comes in indefinite designs, weight, dimensions, patterns and color tones to suit the specific needs of persons. The meenakari painted items are ideal objects for interior decoration to boost the decor of interiors. Further, these items would definitely be perfect gifts for any various occasions such as wedding, housewarming and birthday. Meenakari painted items are always designed in stunning multi-colors to make them look real. These items can also be used as beautiful return-gifts to the loved ones that always endeavor for the ethnic items. Their mesmerizing designs and bright colors made them lively and demanding from the ages. Extensively cherished for ethnic touch and classy look, these Meenakari Painted Items reveal the minute details to boast the traditional looks and hues.
- Excellent design and appearance
- Use dry or wet cotton cloth to remove dirt
- Versatile design, intricate artistry and superlative craftsmanship
- Ideal gift for the loved ones, family and friends