Fabric Handbags

Fabric handbags are very much in trend and Indian markets are flooded with array of these bags. Fabric bags are light weighted and available in countless hues. Fabric handbags are cost effective alternatives for expensive leather and synthetic handbags. Being fabrics as the base, designs can be created on fabric bags through printing,hand painting, embroidery, dying or by adding up decorative items like semi precious stones, sea shells, beads etc. The overall look of a fabric bag dependence on the type of the fabric used for making it. Cotton, bark cloth and denim are most common types fabrics used for making handbags. These easy to carry and maintain bags go well with all casual dress-ups and their availability in variety of colors provide a chance to pick up the bag best suiting the color of your attire. White, black and other light and sober color fabric handbags can go perfect with formal clothing. Most of these bags are washable and can get its new look back with every wash.
Product Highlights:
- Bright colors and attractive designs
- Light weighted, easy to carry
- Washable, new with every wash
- Formal looking options also available
- Cost effective
- flexible and easy to store