Wood crafts

Oil Paintings

Oil Paintings

Oil painting is merely a technique of doing painting in which different types materials and colors are being used by artists. Indian artists are using oil painting techniques from centuries. For creating a painting every artist need to blend and spread the colors over the canvas with some kind of liquid. Water is the liquid which is being used in the creation of general paintings but in the case of oil paintings, oils is used as a liquid to use color on the canvas. It requires more efforts to create oil paintings as compare to the regular painting. The only disadvantage of these paintings are, they take almost a week to get dry. So these paintings are little different to deal with. The major benefits of oil painting is that the artist can use different types of oil, all with different properties for doing painting which is not possible with water. These paintings are more famous and highly preferred over the regular water paintings because of some obvious reasons.

  • Oil painting can be a portrait, scenery, object or any other visually appealing creation.
  • Can offer a glossy look to the paintings
  • Offer bright colors which are easily bendable
  • Allows for more shade and color variation on the canvas
  • Adds texture to the surface of the painting
  • Offers excellent artistic brush strokes which are not possible in other painting techniques
  • Indian artistic are experts in oil painting and posses years of experience in oil painting.

Add a sample of oil painting to your house or office and enjoy the artistic beauty of oil paintings. If you want to buy an unique oil paintings, send us an inquiry today.

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